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bloodinmepoo 3:56 Sat Dec 8
Ronnie O'Sullivan
Great player but is he getting above himself.

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Dicko75 4:22 Sun Dec 9
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
O’Sullivan for me. Couple of titles away from passing Hendry for major titles, way more than David already and almost 3x as many 100+ breaks than Davis made in his career.

arsegrapes 2:23 Sun Dec 9
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
The Hurricane was the best I've seen on his day.

southbankbornnbred 2:20 Sun Dec 9
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
Another Day/SS,

But that's just the point, I guess: I'm not really a big snooker fan. I sometimes watch O'Sullivan because I can appreciate his talent - somebody so good that he can even make decent breaks playing left handed, when he's right-handed. Never seen another player do that.

The paradox, of course, is that he doesn't seem to care too much about the sport's health - only his. I'm not too worried about it myself, but you'd think the most talented player ever to pick up a cue might care a little more about his own theatre.

Hermit Road 12:16 Sun Dec 9
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
The Kronic 3:33 Sat Dec 8

Shut up you posh, stalking prick.

HairyHammer 12:07 Sun Dec 9
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan

I had a speed mince with chips once unfortunately for me it was undercooked chicken mince that my wife had made and I had the shits for a week.

The difference between O'Sullivan and any of the very good snooker players is for me very similar in footballing terms to the difference between players like Alan shearer Wayne Rooney and far better players like Ronaldo or Messi .

The old c wing 11:13 Sat Dec 8
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
Nonsense. When Davis was at his pomp, anything behind the balk line was considered safe.

Hendry had a coked up White and not much else as competition for years.

arsegrapes 10:32 Sat Dec 8
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
Joe Davis from what I head

Far Cough 10:21 Sat Dec 8
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
Vexed, Joe Davis?
Fred Davis?
or Steve Davis?

Vexed 10:18 Sat Dec 8
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
Davis and Hendry are too classy to say they're the best ever too.

Vexed 10:16 Sat Dec 8
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
Both Davis and Henry in their pomp would wipe their arse with O'Sullivan over any decent length match.

Some people are easily fooled by a speed mince round the table and a lack of any decent competition for years.

The old c wing 9:32 Sat Dec 8
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
Sorry Vexed, he is far and away the best player ever, as HH suggested, even Davis and Hendry would say so.

This might refresh your mind as to why


HairyHammer 8:21 Sat Dec 8
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan

If he is not the greatest player then I am a monkeys uncle. I am no fan of his character but no one excites Snooker fans like O'Sullivan.

Who is better Hendry ? Higgins ? Davis ? compared to O'Sullivan they are all inferior ask the snooker players and O ' Sullivan would get at least 75% saying he was the best they had ever seen. .

lowermarshhammer 7:37 Sat Dec 8
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
Very useful middle / long distance runner.

Most natural snooker player ever.

Self indulgent "look at me, I'm a tortured genius, no one
can understand the complicated enigma that I see in the mirror " type.

Fucking selfish moaning cunt.

munkyfunk 5:43 Sat Dec 8
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
Stopped watching when jimmy white wrapped it up.
Watched a match for the first time earlier in week since and can see why I don’t bother.
Bored me shitless

Vexed 4:21 Sat Dec 8
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
The reason O'pikey is such a massive wanker is that people keep wrongly suggesting he's the best player to have ever picked up a cue because its either something they've heard other fucking idiots say and are just aping them. He's actually starting to believe the hype. These people are surely confused at the difference between entertainment and ability or are something to do with snooker and are desperately trying to spice up an otherwise turgid generation of professional snooker players (which is inevitable when so much money is at stake).

These people need to shut the fuck up. As does Ronald, the mouth breathing fuckwit.

The Kronic 3:33 Sat Dec 8
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
Hermit yet again bringing politics into every fucking thread, the tiresome bore.

Hermit Road 3:24 Sat Dec 8
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
He’s a massive Corbyn fan so doesn’t understand how reality works. Snooker used to be massively popular. Now it isn’t. There’s not really much snooker can do about than try and earn as much as they can but that is driven by the market. If people want to pay to watch it they will, if they don’t want to pay to watch it, they won’t. For better or worse, times have changed and nowadays people’s attention spans are built for long drawn-out games. It’s just the way it is, live with it.

pdcwhu 3:15 Sat Dec 8
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
Hearne = Cunt

AnotherDay_SameShit 2:19 Sat Dec 8
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan

southbankbornnbred 10:31 Sat Dec 8
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
I should add, he's pretty much the only snooker player I will watch, though. It's really dull otherwise''

Granted he's the best player to watch, but if you genuinely like the game you would enjoy watching any game at the top level.

Hello Mrs. Jones 2:02 Sat Dec 8
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
Gooner twat...

zico 12:19 Sat Dec 8
Re: Ronnie O'Sullivan
I used to watch it religiously in the days of Davis, White and Hendry but can't be arsed with it now. Ronnie is a great player and I can understand how tiresome it must be playing in all these tournaments these days but like footballers who claim they are "tired" I'd much rather earn my money playing sport for a living using a real talent than a mundane every day job!!

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